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PcWebControl lets you monitor your children's online activities

Children actions – parents’ responsibility
There was a debate lately, all over the media, about parental responsibility for children’s actions in the Internet. All of this, after court decision in Georgia, which decided that parents of cyberbully will face a libel trial. But first comes first. All of it started, when a 7th grader created a fake facebook account of a girl from their class. He edited her photo, to make her look obese, then he was writing posts, which suggested that girl is homosexual, racist and promiscuous. After a victim find out about her fake profile, she told her parents about it. They at once informed principal about this case of cyberbullying. Boy was suspended for two days in school and grounded by his parents for a week. Despite the punishment, boy didn’t delete the profile. It worked 11 more months, and was deactivated by facebook, due to girl’s parents’ requests. Then they decided to sue boy’s parents, because they found them responsible for letting boy harm their daughter. Trial court, as well as appeals court decided that boy’s parents will face trial, which might create new standards about parents’ responsibility. But to understand this, we have to know what are the risks of the internet being used by children in the wrong way.

Threats in internet
Bullying is big problem at almost every school. Unfortunately, due to development of technology, it evolved into something even more dangerous, which was described in previous pharagraph – Cyberbullying.  In the opposition to its offline form, bullying in the internet can happen all the time. It is not only in school, but also after school and on the weekends. Social media, email, chats - all of them give opportunity to share rumors, shameful photos, fake photos and lies about somebody. As in example it is sometimes hard to enforce kids to stop bullying, but parents should be more and more aware, because they are responsible for their kids actions, no matter if those happen in reality or in the internet.
It is not only what kids do on the internet, that parents should be aware. It is also what kids will watch and read. There is a lot of content which is inappropriate for both younger kids and teenagers. Pornography is available just in one click. A lot of violent videos are uploaded every minute. Even if your child is not interested by such subjects, his classmates might be and they will share it, send it, or whatever it takes, to prove they are “cool” and adult, because of watching it.

Is there a solution?
It is not the parents’ responsibility, but children safety, which is the most important. Letting your kid to communicate in the Internet without any limitations, may lead to serious problems during their mental development. Unfortunately, keeping your children off the computer is also not an option. It’s because they need computer for homework and other school projects. Also future job of kids will almost certainly require perfect use of a computer. So, as always, best solution is somewhere in the middle. While using computers and internet kids must keep a balance, the right dosage. Changing your kid habits and setting some limits, will be hard.   However, you can use one of the third party parental control program. It allows you to block certain sites, like social media, if you decide that your kid isn’t mature enough, to use them. You can also block type of content, e.g. pornography. If you want to know more, check

PCWebControl is user-friendly, parental monitoring software. It is commonly used in private homes just like in public facilities like schools.