Just about a month after the Galaxy Note 4 was unveiled at IFA Berlin, Samsung India has made the latest addition to their Galaxy Note lineup official in India. The phone will be available for Rs. 58,300 and will go on sale from 17th October midnight. The 5.7 inch screen size and the premium price point is a clear indication of the niche market Samsung is trying to target in India.
Talking about the Samsung Galaxy Note 4, it packs the latest technology in terms of its processor, display quality and almost everything else. The Galaxy Note 4 has a 5.7 inch 2k resolution which means that the humonous screen along with the humongous pixel per inch density of the device, makes it one of the best smartphone displays out there.
The S Pen, which is synonymous with the Galaxy Note series, has also been improved to help increase productivity and to better utilize the large display of the device. On the processor front, we have the latest Snapdragon 805 chipset clocked at 2.7 GHz Quad-core. Almost all of the flagship devices from other major device manufacturers pack the comparably older Snapdragon 801 chipset instead. The fact that the LG G3 packs almost the same specifications (and a screen that's just 0.2 inches smaller), and is available for somewhere around Rs. 36k for the 32GB/3GB version, the phone does seem to be pricey at the moment. And given the launch of the first ever phablet running iOS at nearly the same time, Galaxy Note 4 will be facing fierce competition this time around.
We'll be posting our hands on experience with the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 in a day or two. So stay tuned for that.
Talking about the Samsung Galaxy Note 4, it packs the latest technology in terms of its processor, display quality and almost everything else. The Galaxy Note 4 has a 5.7 inch 2k resolution which means that the humonous screen along with the humongous pixel per inch density of the device, makes it one of the best smartphone displays out there.
The S Pen, which is synonymous with the Galaxy Note series, has also been improved to help increase productivity and to better utilize the large display of the device. On the processor front, we have the latest Snapdragon 805 chipset clocked at 2.7 GHz Quad-core. Almost all of the flagship devices from other major device manufacturers pack the comparably older Snapdragon 801 chipset instead. The fact that the LG G3 packs almost the same specifications (and a screen that's just 0.2 inches smaller), and is available for somewhere around Rs. 36k for the 32GB/3GB version, the phone does seem to be pricey at the moment. And given the launch of the first ever phablet running iOS at nearly the same time, Galaxy Note 4 will be facing fierce competition this time around.
We'll be posting our hands on experience with the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 in a day or two. So stay tuned for that.