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Do we need a guard on our computer?

Protecting computer users is one of the biggest problems as far as the security in cyberspace is concerned. Attacks on people’s private data are taking place regularly. Hackers and thieves are trying to create more and more sophisticated methods to get what they want. On the other hand, the companies that create security software are trying to catch up with those criminals. Unfortunately, the bad guys are always usually one step ahead.

How we can be reached?

Computer viruses are usually small programs that are able to do big damage to our computer devices. Viruses can significantly slow down the speed of our computer and at the same time steal our personal data. Another bad thing that viruses can do is installing some applications that will display the adverts all the time without our permission. Such adverts can bring us more viruses and round and round. This way our computer can become useless in a very short time. Very often, viruses also disturb a normal functioning of standard applications. For instance, it can be impossible to open text editor and programs like that.

What should we worry about?

Another type of the threat coming from Net can be a spyware. This kind of program can do much bigger damage, but this time it can hurt mostly our wallets. The goal of such program is to spy the user’s activity in order to gather information about him, usually very fragile information. The types of information that can be gathered are: website addresses, personal data, credit cards numbers or any type of passwords. As I mentioned before there are also anti spyware programs that can eliminate those software from our computer. What also should be really concerning is the bad influence that the Internet can have on the youngest. Minors are especially exposed to any type of pornographic and violent content websites mainly because they are the most active and the biggest group of all Internet users. Oftenly their lack of experience is also used in order to promote sexist and brutal content. Sex offenders also use the Internet to find their potential victims. That is why parents should pay great attention to secure their closest ones. Otherwise, this bad influence may have very dramatic consequences in the future.

What can help us?

In the Internet there are plenty of programs that offer various monitoring solutions and might help us a lot. The newest parental control programs are able to block all websites that were mentioned above. Parent can create such a list by himself or he can use the implemented one. Next feature is about controlling the email box. There can be putted a filter that will delete all messages coming from suspicious sources. Next feature is able to regulate the hours during which the kids would be allowed to use the computer. Parent is able to create a schedule like this in a school and mark hours in which he want the kid having access to computer.


As we can see, there are plenty of threats that people have to face every day. Happily there are also plenty of solutions to those problems and therefore people should educate each other to build a social awareness of the problems. Only then everybody will feel safe and confident in the Internet.

If you want some extend knowledge about the parental control, please visit

PCWebControl is internet parental controls which is able to perform all the actions that I described above. Additionally it can be implemented also in public institutions and companies.