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[Deal Alert] Get $30 worth of paid apps for free on Amazon App Store

Amazon is getting more and more aggressive in promoting its App Store for Android devices. Though I prefer Play Store over any 3rd party app store because of its tight integration with the operating system and the largest collection of apps, giving Amazon’s App Store for getting a better deal on paid apps doesn’t hurt anybody.

As a part of its Free App of the Day promotion, Amazon offers a paid app for free for those who buy it within the 24 hours span. Today, App store is offering 5 apps for free, downloading each of which will reward you with 200 coins each. 100 coins on the App Store are worth $1. Let me explain the rest of the things in a step by step manner.

How to get $30 worth of Paid apps for free on Amazon App Store

  1. Go to and sign in to your account. If you aren’t on Amazon, sign up for a new account.
  2. Under Billing Address, enter any random street address, City: Antelope, Zip code: 97001 and State: Oregon. Doing this will ensure that all the apps listed under today’s offer are available to you. Oregon is one of the states where you don’t have to pay taxes for downloading apps from the App Store.
  3. Visit this page, go to each of the five apps one by one and click on the Buy Now (or similar) button. You don’t even need to download the games, just buying them from Amazon’s website should suffice.
  4. When you are done with the previous step, you will have 1000 coins in your kitty. Now search for GTA San Andreas from the search bar on Amazon.
  5. GTA San Andreas is priced at $6.99 and under another App Store promotion, you will get 2000 coins for buying GTA San Andreas. So, you will end up spending 699 coins and will get 2000 coins for your good Samaritan act. My brain somehow tells me that you will end up with 1301 coins more in your kitty, which boosts it up to 2301 coins.
  6. Use these 2301 coins to buy any paid app of your choice. These coins are worth $23.01, and you already bought a $6.99 app. As promised, you got yourself richer by $30.
  7. Go to any paid app’s page and select the Spend coins option to buy that app using your coins. You can install any of your purchased apps by installing App Store on any of your Android devices and going to My Library > My Apps > Cloud.
Note: The coins you earn are valid for 1 year. So don't act like a millionaire and spend all of them today itself. Have patience, we will see many more must have apps and games for Android in the coming year. Learn more about Amazon coins here.

So go ahead, start paying your favorite apps' developers their much needed due. I know you've been using their apps using illegit ways. This way, you will pay the developers without even spending a dime from your pocket!