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jQuery: Its Benefits and Applications

jQuery is an open-source framework based on JavaScript. Web designers across the world use this tool for solving basic developmental issues across different browsers.  Armed with this programming language a web designer is capable of scripting handlers for regulating animations and HTML events. It is also possible to simplify AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) applications using jQuery. AJAX essentially is required to retrieve data from a server without interfering its regular functioning. So, as you can see, jQuery can be called the best friend of a web developer.

The greatness of jQuery lies in its interactivity
jQuery, when compared to other JavaScript applications is more prominent in its visibility aspects. Under this tool, entire contents of your web page remains visible to a search engine even when the original source is cut-off in the user’s browser. This is not the case of other Java apps. This tool makes the job of a web design expert easy with its document object model or DOM. It is possible to add effects, introduce animating elements, and execute AJAX functions in a simple fashion. There are several benefits of using jQuery rather than just creating a library or forming a new JavaScript.

Advantages of using this tool
This app has a unique capability of reducing executing instructions to one-fifth of the original length. As compared to traditional JavaScript the extra or ‘bloat’ area of any instruction is totally cut off in this new application. Files thus become smaller which allows them to be stored more easily and transferred faster. Web design company professionals are immensely benefited by its abundant number of plug-ins. Plug-ins help in enhancing features to simpler forms.

For web developers deployment of these applications is comparatively easier making them easier to support and improve. Documentation of all such jQuery apps are in details making it easier for maintenance. Another outstanding benefit of this tool is its applicability across all browsers. As on date this tool is the most popular among JavaScript.
The benefits are truly exhaustive for this application. This is open source and available freely. This tool is instrumental in creating dynamic websites that are powerful and easy to implement. It has integrated animation applications which double up as commands. Basic web sites are transformed into interesting online sites with interactive features. Further instructions are carried out using minimum steps. Using jQuery you will be able to execute all functions of Flash. However, the process will be simpler and neater.
Jquery is also SEO friendly and any seasoned web developer knows the importance of building a search engine optimized site. Being SEO friendly, it reduces your job of optimization and hence relieves you of unwanted stress.

The vast list of benefits makes this app universally popular even in large multinational corporations and giant IT companies.

Applications of jQuery
From its features the application areas of this tool could be easily perceived. Web design  experts use this app for more interactive, exciting, and user-friendly online pages. Application areas range from slideshows to creating video players. In case you are into animation this tool is the perfect product. For creating charts or interactive maps, this app is truly remarkable.
Uses are widespread in animation and video playing. In animations, roll over effects are also possible to be made. It is even possible to create image animations. For photo slide-shows and galleries, scrolling, sliding, and cropping could be done.
The extensibility of jQuery is the USP of this application. This is recognized by the all the web design companies. Its deployment, availability, and user-friendliness make it a tool of universal acceptance and functionality. In future years, the growth of this programming language is supposed to reach extremely high levels.

Author bio: Sam Kissinger is the writer of this article. He has extensive knowledge in web programming and loves to share his expertise with his loyal readers through the blog posts. He works in a web design New York Company.