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Introducing Rotifier: A Blog aimed at helping students to memorize stuff in easier ways

Though I found it hard enough to manage Droidiser - being the only person behind it, still, the month of February has marked the beginning of two new blogs by me - Bloggeriser and Rotifier.

While Bloggeriser is unique in the sense that it is the only place where I share my personal blogging experience, Rotifier has an even more unique vision. Honestly speaking, I haven't seen any blog which has been made with the specific purpose that Rotifier has been made with. At Rotifier, students will find nonsense stories and explanations which will them memorize stuff they would otherwise have hard time doing so.

Check out Rotifier NOW at

Agreed, rote learning doesn't do anyone any good except for better marks. But when the education system forces us to study things we don't need to, and makes us memorize stuff which we can readily obtain fromr reference sources in real-life situations, cooking up nonsense stories in our mind to memorize something isn't that bad, is it? For further details about Rotifier, read this post.

Do share what you think about this new idea? Also, drop us your suggestions (or nonsense explanations) for any topic in the Contact Rotifier page.