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Galaxy S5 to launch in Unpacked 5 on Feb 24; Galaxy S5 Rumor Round-up

Samsung Mobile has tweeted the when and where of the Unpacked 2014 event. Unpacked 5 will take place on 24th of February at 20:00 CET i.e. 19:00 GMT (12:30 am in India). Earlier rumors led us to believe that the Galaxy S5 will see an early February launch this year and it is highly probably that the S5 will get unveiled in the Unpacked event.

The 5 at the end of Unpacked 5 almost confirms our belief and we might actually see this year's most awaited phone from Samsung exactly 20 days from today. As always, the Unpacked event will be streamed live on Youtube. We shall keep you updated with the latest from that event. It is being said that Samsung has been forced to release the next phone in the Galaxy S lineup because of lowe than expected sales of the Galaxy S4. If Galaxy S5 is a hit, Samsung will continue to strengthen its position as the top smartphone manufacturer in the world.
Warning: Just a concept device, not the real S5

All we know about Galaxy S5 so far

  • A 5 inch 2K QHD Display (1440x2560 pixels, 587 ppi)
  • New Exynos processor in 3G version, Snapdragon 805 in LTE version
  • 2900 mAh battery with rapid charging support
  • At least 16 MP camera, could turn out to be a 21 MP one!
  • Android 4.4 KitKat with Magazine UX (seen on Galaxy Note Pro) instead of Touchwiz
The specs listed above can give any smartphone enthusiast goosebumps. We are as eagerly waiting for the Galaxy S5 as you. Hope it isn't a disappointment like its predecessor.